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iPad can now control the audio when connected to an external monitor

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Tagged with ipad7 audio1

Today I noticed I can finally listen audio on my iPad when connected to an external display!

I am currently on iPadOS 17.1 (with Developer Beta active).

This changes a lot for me, as I can now use my iPad as a second screen and still listen to music or podcasts on it.

I know, this sounds obvious, but it wasn’t possible a few weeks ago.

This solves one of the issues I mentioned in a previous post.

There were too many people looking for a workaround, and the only ones I found were:

  • connect an aux cable to the monitor and an external speaker, but without the ability to control the volume from the iPad!
  • connect to an external bluetooth speaker, with the ability to control the volume

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕