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Twitter OAuth Login with fastify and Node.js

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Tagged with twitter4 oauth4 login5

GitHub example repo

At christian-fei/twitter-oauth-login-in-nodejs on GitHub you can find the whole source code.

Learn how to create a Twitter OAuth Application

OAuth utilities

To authenticate through the Twitter API I found the following set of OAuth utilities pretty useful.

This is the file oauth-utilities.js:

const oauth = require('oauth')

const { promisify } = require('util')

const TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_KEY = process.env.npm_config_twitter_consumer_api_key || process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_KEY
const TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_SECRET_KEY = process.env.npm_config_twitter_consumer_api_secret_key || process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_SECRET_KEY

const oauthConsumer = new oauth.OAuth(
  '', '',
  '1.0A', '', 'HMAC-SHA1')

module.exports = {

async function oauthGetUserById (userId, { oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret } = {}) {
  return promisify(oauthConsumer.get.bind(oauthConsumer))(`${userId}`, oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret)
    .then(body => JSON.parse(body))
async function getOAuthAccessTokenWith ({ oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, oauthVerifier } = {}) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    oauthConsumer.getOAuthAccessToken(oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, oauthVerifier, function (error, oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret, results) {
      return error
        ? reject(new Error('Error getting OAuth access token'))
        : resolve({ oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret, results })
async function getOAuthRequestToken () {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    oauthConsumer.getOAuthRequestToken(function (error, oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, results) {
      return error
        ? reject(new Error('Error getting OAuth request token'))
        : resolve({ oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, results })

An example OAuth 1.0a flow

fastify HTTP server

First import the following modules, fastify, fastify-session and fastify-cookie (npm install them):

const fastify = require('fastify')
const fastifySession = require('fastify-session')
const fastifyCookie = require('fastify-cookie')

const {
} = require('./oauth-utilities')

const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')

HTML files

An index.js file which invites the user to login, and a template.html file that renders the logged in user’s screen name.

Read them from the file system:

const INDEX = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'index.html'), { encoding: 'utf8' })
const TEMPLATE = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'template.html'), { encoding: 'utf8' })

Session secret

Generate a session secret, longer than 32 character, and set it as environment variable or in your .npmrc:

const COOKIE_SECRET = process.env.npm_config_cookie_secret || process.env.COOKIE_SECRET

The main program

This runs the main program:

  .catch(err => console.error(err.message, err))

Create a fastify instance:

async function main () {
  const app = fastify({ logger: true })


Register the plugins for handling user sessions and cookies:

  app.register(fastifySession, {
    cookieName: 'sessionId',
    secret: COOKIE_SECRET || 'secretsecretsecretsecretsecretsecretsecret',
    cookie: { secure: false },
    expires: 900000

html pages

Register the / route, for logged in users the username will be shown with the logout button. For all other users, the INDEX page with login buttons.

  app.get('/', {
    handler (request, reply) {

      console.log('/ request.cookies', request.cookies)
      if (request.cookies && request.cookies.twitter_screen_name) {
        console.log('/ authorized', request.cookies.twitter_screen_name)
        return reply.send(TEMPLATE.replace('CONTENT', `
          <h1>Hello ${request.cookies.twitter_screen_name}</h1>
          <a href="/twitter/logout">logout</a>


The authentication part could probably be achieved with

  app.addHook('preHandler', (request, reply, next) => {
    // auth logic

User logout

The users needs to be able to logout, so you need to register a /twitter/logout route that clears the cookie and redirects to /:

  app.get('/twitter/logout', logout)
  function logout (request, reply) {
    reply.clearCookie('twitter_screen_name', { path: '/' })

Initiate OAuth flow

The user clicks on the login button which points to either /twitter/authenticate or /twitter/authorize, dependending on the fact if the user has previously authorized the Twitter application or not:

  app.get('/twitter/authenticate', twitter('authenticate'))
  app.get('/twitter/authorize', twitter('authorize'))
  function twitter (method = 'authorize') {
    return async (request, reply) => {
      const { oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret } = await getOAuthRequestToken()
      console.log(`/twitter/${method} ->`, { oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret })

      request.session.oauthRequestToken = oauthRequestToken
      request.session.oauthRequestTokenSecret = oauthRequestTokenSecret

      const authorizationUrl = `${method}?oauth_token=${oauthRequestToken}`
      console.log('redirecting user to ', authorizationUrl)

Completing the OAuth flow

After the user clicks on the Authorize button on the Twitter OAuth Consent Screen, they are redirected to the Callback URL set as

This finally sets the user session and a cookie with the twitter_screen_name:

  app.get('/twitter/callback', async (request, reply) => {
    const { oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret } = request.session
    console.log('request.session', { oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret })
    console.log('request.query', request.query)
    const { oauth_verifier: oauthVerifier } = request.query
    console.log('/twitter/callback', { oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, oauthVerifier })

    const { oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret, results } = await getOAuthAccessTokenWith({ oauthRequestToken, oauthRequestTokenSecret, oauthVerifier })
    request.session.oauthAccessToken = oauthAccessToken

    const { user_id: userId /*, screen_name */ } = results
    const user = await oauthGetUserById(userId, { oauthAccessToken, oauthAccessTokenSecret })

    request.session.twitter_screen_name = user.screen_name
      .setCookie('twitter_screen_name', user.screen_name, {
        domain: '',
        path: '/',
        secure: false

    console.log('user succesfully logged in with twitter', user.screen_name)

Start the server

The server will listen on the port 3000 and print the HTTP address for easy access (click on it if you’re using iTerm)

  try {
    await app.listen(3000)`server listening on ${app.server.address().port}`)
  } catch (err) {

GitHub repo

At christian-fei/twitter-oauth-login-in-nodejs on GitHub you can find the whole source code.

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕