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Lazy loading images in 2020

Published on

The alternative title could be Lazy loading images in 900B.


here’s the source code:

window.lazyLoad = lazyLoad
function lazyLoad (selector = '[lazy]') {
  console.log('lazyLoad', selector)

  let $lazy = typeof selector === 'string' ? [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)] : [...selector]
  console.log('$lazy.length', $lazy.length)

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    console.log('DOMContentLoaded', $lazy.length)

  $lazy = $lazy.filter(el => !(isScrolledIntoView(el) && applyLazy(el)))
  console.log(' - $lazy.length', $lazy.length)

  let lastCheck
  window.onscroll = function (e) {
    if (lastCheck && ($lazy.length === 0 || lastCheck > - 50)) return
    lastCheck =
    $lazy = $lazy.filter(el => !(isScrolledIntoView(el) && applyLazy(el)))

  function applyLazy (el) {
    const imageUrl = el.getAttribute('lazy')
    if (el instanceof window.HTMLImageElement) {
      el.setAttribute('src', imageUrl)
    } else { = `url(${imageUrl})`
    return true

  function isScrolledIntoView (el) {
    var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
    var isVisible = ( >= 0) && (rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight + rect.height))
    return isVisible

What’s that [lazy] thing anyway?

The CSS Selector (more specifically the CSS Attribute Selector) of the HTML elements to apply lazy loading to.

You can apply it to any element and it will apply the src attribute to img elements, and the background-image CSS style attribute to any other element.

This enables you to do the following in HTML:

<img src="placeholder.png" lazy="">

<div lazy="">lorem ipsum</div>

DOMContentLoaded and onscroll


When the DOM finishes loading, we do a first run of lazy loading applied to all elements present on the page, found by the CSS Selector [lazy].

This loads images that are in view right away, as if nothing happened.

The other images, lower in the page etc, are only loaded when the user scrolls to them.


The procedure above is repeated every time the user scrolls the browser window, debounced by 50ms.


The element passed in is modified to set the src attribute to img elements, and the background-image CSS Style attribute to any other element.


This function determines if a passed HTML element is in sight of the user.

If so, it returns true.

about that .filter part…

    $lazy = $lazy.filter(el => !(isScrolledIntoView(el) && applyLazy(el)))

what this means is:

apply the image lazy loading to all image in view and filter them out

That’s it

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just call lazyLoad() (even without arguments, if you use the convention [lazy]), and all your images will be lazy-loaded easily.

grab a copy of lazyload.js now!

I like this approach since I was triggered when I saw this gatsy configuration for a blog search, which struck with me. In the sense that for a “simple” blog search (be it 1000 blog posts even), you can handle them easily I bet with plain HTML and JS, CSS if you want to make it look fancy.

The next blog post I want to tackle is exactly this: a simple blog search, as you can find on /posts/ with just HTML and JavaScript.

update 2020/02/08 Here is the blog post

pagespeed insights says thaanks 💯

At the same time I wanted to improve my pagespeed-insights score for, and here it is:


Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕