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About 1:1s

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Let’s talk about weekly 1:1s. Some people swear by them, and others think they’re a waste of time. But what makes them effective?

Context: Discussion on HackerNews about “What’s your opinion on weekly 1:1s?”

One thing that many people agree on is the importance of consistency.
When everyone shows up for these meetings week after week, it builds trust and reliability.
Workers feel they can discuss ideas, concerns, and issues without fear because these meetings happen regularly.

Trust is also a key factor.
When you have a good working relationship with your colleague, weekly 1:1s become a valuable tool for open communication and problem-solving.
The atmosphere of trust can facilitate healthy conversations and transparency.

When done right, these meetings can also benefit career development.
For example, they offer a platform to discuss professional opportunities, ask for feedback on performance, and identify areas for growth.
It can demonstrate a commitment to an employee’s personal development, making them feel invested in their career.

On the other hand, some may feel like these meetings don’t add value or are merely an unnecessary distraction.
They can be distracting to the workflow when having too many people involved or scheduling several meetings without an adequate structure.
It’s essential to assess the individual, team dynamics, and frequency of the meetings and adjust as needed.

Another potential pitfall is when the conversation doesn’t flow naturally.
Some people may feel *uncomfortable+ discussing certain topics during a one-on-one discussion, making it challenging to cultivate transparency.
It’s the manager’s responsibility to create a safe space and guidelines to support constructive conversations, transparent communication, and professional development.

In conclusion, whether weekly 1:1s are helpful or not depends on the individuals involved and their communication style.

It is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one group may not work for another, and it is up to the management to create an environment that can encourage the type of communication and feedback needed for each team’s success.

Weekly 1:1s can be incredibly valuable when there’s consistency, trust, and clear structure, creating a supportive space for open communication, problem-solving, and career development.

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕