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better web scraping with node.js

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Web scraping […] is used for extracting data from websites

from Wikipedia “Web scraping”

introducing mega-scraper

it’s been a month since I started working on mega-scraper.

mega-scraper is meant to make scraping a website better

it is based on the popular Puppeteer API to interact with a Chromium instance, a web browser.

the scraping queue is based on Redis and can be monitored using bull-dashboard.

I built it because I felt the need for a better way to do scraping.



reliable scraping

how to make scraping more reliable and less detectable by anti-scraping shields?

I think the way to go is to simulate a real user using a real browser.

it also comes in handy when debugging and inspect updated CSS selectors or understand how to avoid unexpected modals or solve captcha pages.

you could even simulate a legit user session by having a pool of legit cookies.

the possibilities are wider if you try to surf a website as similar as possible to a real user browsing a product page, with eased step timeouts, random scrolling of a page, etc.

why not, even login to a given page with a real customer account to almost undetectably scrape its content.

fast scraping

blocking trackers by default.

avoiding loading images, stylesheets, if possible javascript speed up the scraping A LOT!

being able to proxy each request can also help in case of speed, since you’re using multiple services to handle your requests.

it’s all about experiments

mega-scraper itself needs lots of improvements and new creative ways to avoid (even solve) captchas, improve networking, generic pagination, automation data extraction and much more.

open-source and npm package

mega-scraper is available on and can be monitored using


both are available as npm packages 📦





let me know if you find ways to improve web scraping by opening a pull-request on GitHub at

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕