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Angular ui-router: define multiple states with same base url

Published on
Tagged with angularjs10

Recently on I found myself in need of the following routes:

  • /public
  • /public/:id

To define a similar structure you canโ€™t have three separate states defined sharing the same base url.

What you can do is to define an abstract state and then the descendent child states, e.g.:

.state('public', {
  abstract: true,
  url: '/public',
  template: '<ui-view/>'
  .state('public.index', {
    url: '',
    templateUrl: 'public/index.html',
    controllerAs: 'PublicIndexCtrl as vm'
  .state('', {
    url: '/:id',
    templateUrl: 'public/room.html',
    controllerAs: 'PublicRoomCtrl as vm'

Here, have a slice of pizza ๐Ÿ•