Create a new Github repository from the command line

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Tagged with github16

The steps explained in this guide can be automated by a handy utility called hub.

But if you want to get your hands dirty with the Github API, this article is for you.

###About the Github API:

  • HTTPS and HTTPS only.
  • response comes shipped in the JSON format
  • the API endpoint to create a new repository is
  • with the HTTP method POST you can create a new repo (if authenticated correctly)
  • request to the non-public API must be authenticated, either with basic authentication or oauth

###curl parameters

We will use curl to make the request.
The command consists of the parts/parameters (commands in square brackets are shortcuts):

####–user [-u]
As written above, every request to the private API must be authenticated.
Provide your username afterwards and you will be prompted for your password by curl.

--user username

Additionally if you want to write your password straightaway, you can write it like this:

--user username:password

If you don’t have 2-factor-authentication activated this gets a lil bit trickier, but don’t fear. Create a new OAuth access Token and provide it in the following way:

--user YOUR-OAUTH-TOKEN:x-oauth-basic
# or if you saved it in a file
--user `cat ~/path-to-oauth-access-token`:x-oauth-basic
# or in the header
curl -H "Authorization: token YOUR-OAUTH-TOKEN"

Now if you followed the steps correctly you can get the private infos about your account with this command:
curl --user username

####–request [-X]
Set the HTTP method with which you want to access to the API.

We just need to set it to POST and we’re good to go.

####–data [-d]
Since we are posting data, well I just said it, we need to define the data.

The data will be structured in JSON. All the valid fields can be found on the official API doc.
The fields we need are name, and optionally private.

###Assembling the parameters

    --user username:password
    --request POST
    --data '{
        "name" : "my-new-repo-created-from-the-command-line",
        "private" : "true"

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕