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Display IP address on a jailbroken Kindle using eips

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Wanna get started fiddling around with your freshly jailbroken Kindle?

Below I’ll show you a script to display the IP address using eips on your Kindle e-ink screen.

The idea is simple:

  • run a cron every minute
  • get the Kindle’s current IP address
  • display it on the top-left corner using eips

Make the filesystem writable

This will give you the ability to write files on the Kindle (you just need this once)

mntroot rw

The script

Place the script under /bin/print-ip-info (or where you want actually)


IP=$(ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }')
eips -h "$IP $(date)"

This will parse through ifconfig and grep/cut/awk through all the fluff of the output.

Yes, I’m sure there is a better way, but who cares?

Install the cron

Edit /etc/crontab/root and insert the following

* * * * * /bin/print-ip-info

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕