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Rooted / Jailbroke my Kindle Paperwhite

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Found a way to make good use of my older Kindle Paperwhite 3 thanks to the Jailbreak “LanguageBreak”

You need to be at version or else you’re effed.

Here is the official guide

Wanted to make this post because I tried several days to jailbreak it without success.

One day, I noticed the collapsable section at the end of the original post that said, “Can’t get it to work?”

Downloaded the original file corresponding to my Kindle type and version and it just worked after that!

It was definitely a rollercoaster, had lots of fun learning about and reading through the Mobileread community.

It was cool to find out about “Demo mode” that is used by retail to show the Kindle functionality and screen resolution using a carousel of stock images.

What a mess that forum is, holy kindle

Here, have a slice of pizza 🍕